Wednesday, November 13, 2013

The benefit of exercise

    Physical exercise means the regular movement of different parts of our body according to have some rules. It is essential to keep our body fit and mind sound as well.

Kinds of exercise

 They are many kinds of Physical exercise. May be swimming, walking, riding, rowing, racing, gymnastics and playing different types of indoor and outdoor games. Different exercises are suitable for different ages. Everybody should take physical exercise according to his age and ability. For an old man, morning walk or jogging is a good exercise. Games like football, cricket, hockey, basket ball, volley ball etc. are suitable for young people. But walking is the best kind of exercise for all in all circumstances.

Suggestion of doctor about exercise

 The necessity of taking physical exercise is indispensable.  If you want to build up your mind you should take regularly physical exercise. There is a close connection between body and mind. If the body is weak no one can concentrate his mind on work. We cannot think of a sound mind without a sound health. It is physical exercise which enables us to build a good health which is the key to success. Those who don’t take physical fall victim too many diseases and their life become dull to them.

Why exercise is useful for us

  Physical exercise helps us to become strong and body fit. It keeps our mind fresh. Regular game and sports can develop the spirit of team work, fellow feeling, group loyalty and self discipline.

exercise tipsA man talking physical exercise

 Health brings happiness. A healthy man is a happy man is this world. He is cool and calculating. He is active. So he can do a lot of works cheerfully. He never feels tired in his work. He can do any work he likes. He can eat and drink anything he likes. He has sound sleep and peace of mind. He is really happy and finds life charming. He can enjoy the world. 

A man without physical exercise

 An unhealthy man is the unhappy fellow. He may be rich but not happy. He is good for nothing. He finds no interest in life. He always feels uneasy. He has neither taste for good dish nor a sound sleep at night. He leads a miserable life. He cannot obey his duty properly. To him life is meaningless. He cannot enjoy happiness in life. His wealth cannot give him peace and happiness. He is not happy.
Summary of physical exercise

  Everybody knows that health is wealth – goes a wise maxim. Health provides a man with happiness. It helps our mind with good thoughts.  We should take regular physical exercise. Irregular and over exercise is injurious to health. A student who takes physical exercise regularly can work very hard and does well in his studies. On the other hand, physical exercise improves our health and makes us smart, active and body fit. If we fail to control our body we shall attack by many diseases. So everybody most do physical exercise. 


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